Discover Natural Joy in Any Crisis
Rev Alison Whittall is a OneSpirit Minister who loves universal truth. For her, all paths to God are honoured and loved. As a reaction to the turmoil of recent times, Alison has created a free e-booklet on how to discover Natural Joy in any Crisis — Download on her website
Seeing the despair, fear and pain that many are facing at this time of global pandemic my heart is touched deeply. I share some reflections on the current situation, and how we can shift our position. To also help people mentally, emotionally and spiritually during this time, I have created ten top tips to discover natural Joy during this crisis, via a free e-booklet I share with you all.
Shared Grief
There is a shared grief not just in the UK but worldwide, for the loss of loved ones, the devastating economic crisis and the way in which we are being distanced from each other physically. The news speaks of little else than daily death tolls, health risks and the need to socially isolate. There are deep concerns for mental health and those who are losing loved ones are not only in grief from the loss, but also unable to get together and say goodbye at the funeral, with family and friends.
However, surprisingly, there is still a deep joy and contentment in my heart. Why is this? It is unexplainable. But, I know I am not the only one. This joy is palpable and it seems to essentially have nothing to do with the current circumstances. I felt moved to share this Joy and help to lift the vibration at this challenging time.
It struck me very quickly that much of the world is being forced to stop going out, to stop being so busy with the usual activities and ‘business as usual’. How extraordinary that everyone or mostly everyone on the planet is forced, it seems to ‘stay at home’. Perhaps an opportunity to discover our True Home.
A Time For Deep Reflection
I cannot explain why, but my deep feeling about this is that it is an incredible gift and an opportunity for there to be a major pause. A stop moment. A time for deep reflection and deep reconfiguration of the priorities of our lives. (Many angels are of course not at home and are on the front line as we know, and so many blessings to them and a deep gratitude for their selfless service.) This e booklet is also encouraging donations to help these beings.
We hear of course that the planet is beginning to heal from the peace and relief that it is experiencing simply because there is far less travel and exploitation at this time. The aeroplane flights and travel in general are greatly reduced and all this is obviously a gift that our blessed earth so deeply needs.
A Living Presence
However, I am focussing more on the opportunity that humanity has, at this juncture to stop, look within, contemplate the deeper questions of life and awaken to the truth, peace and the joy that is innate to us as human beings.
Through my own exploration into the timeless truth of our being I have been inspired to point to something profound, something enlightening, something powerfully transformative that is here, through all this, ever present. Something that is less of a ‘thing’ and more of a formless awareness, a living presence, a divine and infinite truth that is the very ground of our being. There is silence, peace, light within our very own self that so often is overlooked and ignored or even rejected, in the business of our usual outward looking activity and investment in pursuing relentlessly whatever it is we want from this ‘world’.
Shift Our Position
So — this e-booklet was born to inspire people to see this time — or any crisis like this — as an opportunity to discover this joy, to awaken to this light and love within and to embrace the effortless indivisible reality of being. I feel these words and images came through me rather than from me and I pray they will be a blessing. It is rare to come across the auspicious chance to literally shift our position of identifying with the ‘ego’ (ie the constructed, imagined and projected psychological self image) and what I would call the ‘True Self’ (ie the one indivisible source, the intangible and ineffable infinite awareness that we can never not be!). It is refreshing and perhaps unusual to discover that:
‘We are the witness of everything that comes and goes.
Who we truly are never comes or goes.
We cannot die.
Only the form dies.
This realisation removes fear and replaces it with joy, peace and love.’
Isn’t this message, if taken to heart and digested, a way out of fear, suffering and even death?
These pointings look simple and are accessible but also have a power within them, if taken to heart, to unlock the door to our own inner being and to release us from the mental slavery that oftentimes goes unnoticed.
I pray this will be shared and that people will find peace and joy through it. There are many beings on this planet today who are speaking of this awakening to the living consciousness that we are. We are truly blessed and I feel this is an auspicious time as well as deeply challenging. Find out more via my website Thank you for taking the time to read this and I bless you with much love and warmth from my heart. Keep safe — and may we all find the true safety of your own infinite Self.
PPE and NHS Staff Crowd Funder
On a practical note this e booklet is free and I hope that people will make a donation to a much needed cause, crowd funding essential Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the NHS.
Download Alison’s e-booklet on Joy in Any Crisis on her website